Our family has been farming in Washington State for five generations. This is our grain.
Maya Jane Wahl, President (5th Generation)
My name is Maya Jane Wahl, I'm the President and CEO of MJW Grain Inc. My family proudly farms grain outside of Lind, Washington. When standing on top of the hill behind the farmhouse where both my father and grandfather grew up you can see rolling fields in all directions. We look out the windows as we drive to school and work every day to see the seasons changing and the crops growing. The words amber waves of grain mean something special to us. Grain is how we define ourselves, it’s our way of life.
I have grown up watching my family put their (actual) blood, sweat and tears into the land owned by my grandfather, his father, and his father before that. My brother and I are the fifth generation of Wahls to have grown alongside the wheat each year, to learn the importance of our environment, and to gain a deep appreciation for what our land represents. This farm is our livelihood, and we want to keep the legacy strong for many more generations to come.
A NEW WAY OF farming
James, Rena, Dane and Maya Jane Wahl
We're looking for like-minded folks who want to use our grain to make delicious stuff.
Are you a brewer, distiller or baker looking for a unique, heirloom grain to experiment with? Have some amazing idea for our amazing grain? Tell us all about it!
In the current economic climate, small farms like ours have to get creative and find new, more efficient methods of sustainability. With today’s volatility in markets, weather and cost of production, we needed to find a new way to produce grain. One that helped us ease our carbon footprint, move to no till farming and reduce our pesticide usage.
We’ve also found a new way to sell our grain. We want to have a relationship with our clients, much like we have with our crops. This is very important to us. By sharing our history and expertise along with the bounty of our fields, we pass along what has been passed down to us.
When you buy our grain it comes with a special invitation: come on out to the farm, put your hands in the soil, test grain in our fields. Or just hang out and shoot the breeze with my dad. Get a feel for the place and see for yourself what makes our grain special.
Please contact us to learn more, and check out my blog to see what we're making!
Talk to you soon,
Maya Jane Wahl
President and CEO, MJW Grain Inc.
Raw Triticale
Malted Triticale. Isn't it lovely?
About Our Grain
Triticale is a heirloom grain that is a cross between rye and durham wheat, first bred throughout Scotland and Germany in the late 19th century. It is low in gluten and high in lysine. Triticale combines the yield potential and grain quality of wheat with the disease and environmental tolerance of rye.
Rye has been a staple in the human diet since the cultivation of small grains began thousands of years ago. We see the potential of rye and seek to meet the demand for it in the brewing, distilling, and baking industries. This past year we planted a spring variety called gazette, the first rye crop in Adams County in over 70 years. What was old is new again!
We now offer Pilsner pale and Munich malts from our triticale line. We have also introduced a pale rye malt to our selection. In the spring of 2018 we plan to bring in a rye crystal malt as well. We also sell cleaned triticale and rye grain. All of our grains are available in 50 pound bags or one ton super sacks.
Our newest addition in 2018 is custom smoked malts! These include applewood smoked rye and triticale pale malts. We are looking to add more flavors in the future. Please contact us directly with any request for custom smoked malts.
Our goal is to provide a very consistent grain year in and year out. We are working with a number of breweries and distilleries throughout the Pacific Northwest. We’ve had beer and liquor made from our grain and both were fantastic. We look forward to making new traditions with you!
Dane Wahl, Production Manager (5th Generation) and Nona
Rena Scott Wahl, Chief Financial Officer
Dane Wahl (5th Generation), James Wahl, Vice President (4th Generation), Douglas Wahl (3rd Generation